Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Almost a Year Later....

So I forgot about my blog. Well, first I got busy with school and then I forgot about it. I come back to it nearly a year later and think...

My life is the life is different.

I'm still a teacher. I still have my lovely Annie dog and wonderful husband. I still live in Texas and like good books.

Now I am a homeowner. I love my little one-story house with the vivid Mexican colors splashed beside our arched windows. Except that houses require more work to go with the greater amount of space. But it's worth it.

I'm out of school for the summer. It's great and terrifying at the same time. I have no driving deadlines, no students to teach, no papers to grade, no lesson plans to turn in. I sleep a reasonable number of hours each night.

It's terrifying because I can now evaluate my life and say:
1) I need to excercise
2) I need to write letters
3) I need to write creatively
4) I need to organize my school materials
5) I need to organize the office
6) I need to mop and clean bathrooms
7) I need to mow the lawn
8) I need to floss my teeth
9) I need to brush the (now two!) dogs
10) I need to relax while somehow getting a lot of stuff done

I will write more soon. Right now (yes, it's the afternoon. what of it?) I need to take a shower:)