Monday, July 24, 2006

This Minute

A little run-down of mundane life.

Currently doing: Typing on my PowerBook while sitting on the green futon beside my now 34-pound dog who is alternately staring intently out the window and begging me for a walk with her syrupy brown eyes.

Three meals that I've eaten today: Instant oatmeal and sweetened coffee, soup with crackers, taco salad with beef fajita meat

Chores I've accomplished: Getting out of bed (it is summer), doing dishes and unloading dishwasher, laundry

State of our apartment: Boxing and sorting chaos. We are working, but there's little space to store what we've done.

Errands run today: Post Office, Evan's parents (to borrow their truck), dry cleaners (our comforter got a little mildewed from us NEVER using it. Comforters are useless in Texas! Still, we will see if we can salvage it), Photo Express (for Evan's photography business), The Container Store (to get ideas not spend money), the title company (where we spent 1 1/1 hours signing the closing papers for our new house. We should be in the house by Wed. or Thurs.), and finally, the house of church friends who just moved and loaded up the truck with boxes for us to use. Whew!

Currently reading: A Catcher in the Rye, Marley and Me (Evan and I are taking turns reading it out loud), and The Female of the Species: Tales of Mystery and Suspense by Joyce Carol Oates. I'll start some writing and education books next week.

Movies seen at the box office this summer: The new Pirates of the Caribbean, Superman returns

Movies seen at home this summer: Crash, Riding in Cars with Boys, The Scent of a Woman, Dancer, Texas Pop. 81, The Incredibles, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?, Walk the Line, The Fastest Indian Alive....I could go on and on and on.

When I have my first school-related meeting: July 27

When I meet the new freshmen I teach: August 1

My first day back at school: August 14

Why today is special: My parent's 30th wedding anniverary. Go Thom and Sue!!

My latest malady: a bee sting I got yesterday. The dang bee stung my pinky. It looks like a mutant sausage next to my other fingers. The good news: it's not on my writing hand. The bad news: I had to shake hands with lots of people today: squeeze!!

What I have left to do today: feed my friend's cats while she's away, write some letters, finish the laundry...and walk Annie!!

Any information I've forgotten?