Monday, June 12, 2006

Thoughts of the Day

1. I miss my mom. It sucks living in Texas when she lives in Alabama. Even though she and I drive each other crazy, she inspires me like none other.

2. I'm mad that we can't find a house and mad that looking for one has taken up so much of my summer "free" time. Actually, we have a found a number of houses--all problematic. Can't I just get a studio for my husband and a yard for my dogter? Is that so much to ask?

3. I worry about my single girl friends. Several of them seem to feel that their lives will really only truly begin when they get married. After all, they think, marriage is God's ultimate plan. They just somehow missed the boat and have to find a way to find that man and quickly. It frustrates me because there's no easy thing for me to say. I can't say it's not that bad being single. Cause I'm the lucky married one (in their eyes). I can't speak for God and what his plan is or isn't. It just frustrates me. Why can't you feel normal if you're single? Why can't we all love and support each other instead of demeaning one another?

4. I really like the writer Alice Sebold. Usually, I'm not a best seller list type person. But after reading her book Lucky (a firsthand account of her rape as a college freshmen and how it changed her life), I broke down and read The Lovely Bones in one day. Lucky is my personal favorite, but The Lovely Bones is marvelous writing. I recommend both.

5. I stopped biting my nails when I was in 9th grade. I started biting them again this year. Why now? What is my problem?


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